














Personal Data of Skateboarders
id: no.620

SHAWN HALE / ショーン・ヘイル



Shawn Hale, who just released a VX part for Birdhouse, gives us a glimpse into the mind of a Japanese-American skater with extensive knowledge of Japan’s skateboarding community.

Photo_Taylor Ballard(@taylor___ballard)
Q & A
  • 出身地:
  • 肩書き:
    プロスケーター/AVOS Therapy共同創設者
  • スタンス:
  • スポンサー:
    BirdhouseNew Balance NumericIndependentBones BearingsAVOS TherapyBasketcase GalleryMob Grip
  • 靴のサイズ:
  • 生年月日:
  • スケートを始めた年:
  • スケートを始めたきっかけ:
    父親がカリフォルニアでスケートやサーフィンをしていたこともあり、家にはバナナボードがいつも転がっていた。姉がスケートボードを手に入れてポスターを飾り始めたことでスケートの存在を知って、さらに「Tony Hawk Pro Skater」のゲームでストリートスケートを目にしたのがきっかけ。それ以来、スケートにハマった。
  • 好きな数字:
  • Birdhouseの魅力:
  • VXパートの反響:
  • VXパートで苦労したトリック:
  • 何度も観返しているビデオパート:
    子どもの頃は『Video Days』や『Bag of Suck』のジェリー・スーのパート、Lakaiの『Fully Flared』、Foundationの『Art Bars』が好きだった。ただ一番繰り返し観たのは『PJ Ladd's Wonderful Horrible Life』かもしれない。最近はすべての映像を追いきれないことも多いけど、Polarのビデオや世界中のローカルビデオを楽しんでいる。
  • 日本の思い出:
  • 気になる日本のスケーター:

    宮城 豪 - 業界に媚びないクールな存在で、日本の古いスケートビデオを観ても最高のセンスの持ち主。

    堀米雄斗 - もちろん素晴らしい。彼が初めてアメリカに来た時、ルームメイトのアパートに滞在していた!

    星野大喜 - 彼もまたオレやルームメイトと一緒に住んでいて、スタイルが良くスピード感のあるスケートをする。ユーモアセンスも抜群で、いい趣味の持ち主。

    白井空良 - トリックセレクションが好き。子どもの頃に夢見ていたトリックをあのレベルで実現しているのを見ると感動する。

    村岡洋樹 - よりOGなスケーターで、素晴らしいスタイルとアートのセンスを持っている。彼がやることはどれも魅力的。

    池 ケヤキ - 独自のストリートスケートが魅力的で、元ルームメイトのジャン・リュック・ヴィダと撮影していたことで彼のスケートを早い段階で知った。

    上野伸平 - TightboothやLENZのすべてが大好き。彼が日本のスケートシーンに与えた影響は計り知れない。

    本郷真太郎 - WKNDでの活動が素晴らしく、スケートのセンスがいい上に親切。ある時、日本のお菓子が入った小さな袋をくれたんだけど、かなりの優しさだと思った!

    芝田 元 - バートでのフロントフットインポッシブルや他のトリックがヤバい!


  • ドリームセッション:
  • New Balance Numericのお気に入りモデル:
    440 Hiが100%お気に入り。幅広い足に合う完璧な形で、ハイトップだから保護性と安定性も抜群。それにNew Balance Numericのシューズ技術へのこだわりは革新的で、他のシューズのように簡単に壊れない高品質な作りが魅力。カップソールを採用している点も足を守る上で重要だと思う。いろんなブランドの「ベスト」とされるシューズを試したけど、個人的には440が最高。
  • ロサンゼルスの山火事について:
  • 子どもたちに若いうちに体験してほしいこと:
  • 最高のスタイル:
  • スケートボード以外の趣味:
  • 収集しているもの:
  • 嫌いなこと:
  • AVOS Therapyスリッパをお勧めしたい人:
    足や身体の怪我を減らしたい人すべて! つまりすべててのスケーター、アスリート、足の痛みを抱える人、そしてその親たち(笑)。営業マンのように聞こえるかもしれないけど、まだ個人的には実際に1足も売ったことはない。ただ製品の効果が予想以上に良かったのはたしか!
  • もし何をしても逮捕されないとしたら:
  • 欲しい超能力:
  • 今すぐ行きたい場所:
  • 最近出会った素晴らしい人:
  • 最近インスピレーションを受けた映画:
    最近『ウィキッド ふたりの魔女』を観たけど素晴らしかった。『オズの魔法使い』の内容が逆になっているような想像をするのも楽しかった。人生のすべての「悪い」ことは「良い」としても観察できるという理論が好きで、それを「タオイズム(道教)」や「陰陽の哲学」と呼ぶけど、日常でいつもその視点を意識している。この考え方は父親から学んだ。人生で最も価値のあるものは「視点」だと思っている。他人になることはできないけど、話を聞いて想像することならできる。映画『ウィキッド ふたりの魔女』を観て、動物が実際には最も賢いのではないかとも思った。もし犬が話せたら最高だね(笑)。
  • ストリートスケートの撮影で気をつけるべきこと:
  • 最近あった小さないい出来事:
  • 感謝を伝えたい人:
  • 2025年の目標:
    HDパートを撮影するための時間を確保すること! ビジネスの成長をさらに進め、スケーターたちがもっとスケートを楽しめるように支援すること。そして身体の問題に苦しむアスリートや人々が目標を追求できるようにすること。これらを通じて、自分も合間にもっとスケートを楽しめるようにしたい。


Q & A English

  • Hometown:

    Joplin, Missouri until age 22, Los Angeles for the past 15 years.
  • Title:
    Pro Skater / AVOS Therapy Creator Co-Founder
  • Stance:
  • Sponsors:
    Birdhouse Skateboards, Independent Trucks, Bones Swiss Bearings, AVOS Therapy, Basketcase Gallery, Mob Grip, New Balance Numeric
  • Shoe size:
  • Date of birth:
  • Year you started skateboarding:
  • How you started skateboarding:
    My father skated/surfed in CA before I was born, always had a banana board around the house. I didn't discover what skating was until my sister got a skateboard and some posters, then the Tony Hawk Pro Skater game came out and I got to see street skating. I was obsessed ever since.
  • Favorite number:
    3, the real 1.
  • Best thing about Birdhouse:
    Supported for being me and doing my own thing, less pressure without marketing departments and rules.
  • Favorite NB# shoes:
    The 440 high's 100%, perfect shape for my slightly wide foot, the higher top for protection/stability. And just NB's commitment to shoe tech is a game changer, quality construction that doesn't 'blow out' like other shoes. Cup sole instead of vulc, this type of stuff matters for protecting the feets. I've tried other shoe companies 'best' shoes and I gotta say that I haven't felt anything better than the 440's personally.
  • Reaction to your “VX” part:
    I've gotten a very positive reaction from my peers in the skate industry that I couldn't be happier about!
  • Most challenging trick in the “VX” part:
    The fakie manny front shuv on the slanted wall. So difficult to do that trick and not accidentally hit my back wheels going up. The front shuv out came naturally just to get away from the wall. Went back for that 3 times or so to make sure the manual was proper.
  • Dream session:
    Every night/morning, lucid dreamer / astral projector.
  • Thoughts on the wildfires in LA:
    Terrible governing environment and a lot of money wasted in politicians' (and the lobbyists') pockets. Fire prevention should be and hopefully will be taken more seriously. The biggest shame is all the insurance companies pulling out just before the fires... wtf are they paid for if not to be helpful in times of need, not greed.
  • Japanese skaters you’re interested in:
    Ooo there are so many.

    1. Guo Miyagi, he's just the coolest anti skate industry / sickest mind, and goat'd from all the old Japanese skate videos.

    2. Yuto, he's incredible obviously, he stayed at my roomie's apartment when he first came to the US from Japan!

    3. Daiki Hoshino, he also stays with me and my roommates, has great style, skates with speed, and has a great sense of humor and taste.

    4. Sora Shirai, love his trick selection, he does all these tricks I dreamed of as a kid, some I could actually do, but not at his level.

    5. Hiroki Muraoka, more OG, great style, dope art, love to see anything he does.

    6. Keyaki Ike, epic cutty street skater, he filmed with my old roommate Jean Luc Vida which really put me on to his skating early.

    7. Shinpei Ueno, I love all things Tightbooth and LENZ, you just can't beat what he's done for the Japanese scene.

    8. Shintaro Hongo, love everything he has done with WKND, great taste in skating and is a very nice person like most Japanese skaters I meet. One time he gave me a little bag of some Japanese candies that I hadn't tried yet, legend!

    9. Moto Shibata, the front foot impossible on vert and other tricks he does, love it!

    10. Goes to all the guys and especially girls that I am forgetting to mention. I've seen so much from the Japanese skate scene in recent years, too much to be able to say now. Since my mom Mayumi Hale is 100% Japanese, I was lucky enough to visit Tokyo/Fukuoka when I first started skating. I loved all the local/larger Japanese skate videos, music taste and semi hip hop / dance influence, all of it had a big influence on me as a kid and I love to see how much the scene has grown.

  • Things you collect:
    Pokemon. I love anime culture. But, people's perspectives that they share with me is the most influential and valued thing I 'collect'
  • Memories of Japan:
    The Japanese countryside and rice farms are my fav, from visiting at age 9 & 13, watching Studio Ghibli films always has me reminiscing easily.
  • Things kids should experience while they’re young:
    Skateboarding for sure, the pain and triumph of accomplishing self goals is unique and incredibly valuable for going through the difficulties life has to offer. I also think Japan's school system is very thoughtful, from learning to keep things clean to feeding yourself well, we just don't get that in America.
  • Someone amazing you’ve recently met:
    My girlfriend but also too many people to mention. A recent homie is Khyree Zienty, we call him Stacy, aka Ekkstacy as a musician. I'm a big fan of music and I love all the difficulties he shares through it, helpful for so many, and to see him do it so well is just incredibly inspiring.
  • Pet peeve:
    Inflexibility / lack of kindness.
  • Things to be mindful of when filming street skating:
    Number one would be the amount of work it takes for the homie filming! It's brutal! Two would be not to get the spot shut down by being stupid, disrespecting security or walkers by, no need to fuck it up for the other people who want to skate the spot. Three is instagram - if someone is filming a trick to save for a part, don't be a jackass and put the spot on blast for someone else to see the spot and potentially do the same trick as your homie. People these days are so interested in the immediate likes that they don't realize they should wait to post, especially if it's not a spot that they dug up, made, or brought everyone to. If it is, then do whatever you want, but I doubt that it would be blowing out the spot on Instagram... so why do that to your homies spot. Last thing- if you didn't get your trick, go back for it, it'll be easier the second time if you're smart. So, record yourself trying the trick, watch it frame by frame, and easily see the body movements that are preventing you from landing it. Stretch your shoulders, loosen your hips, or whatever body part is too tight, and reduce the amount of time it takes to land it and you'll save everyone involved.
  • A small good thing that happened recently:
    I was stressed out late for a skate event, and ended up pulling up at the same time that some of my friends pulled up. You're always in the exact place that you're meant to be...
  • Who you would recommend Avos Therapy Slippers to :
    Anyone trying to have less foot/body injuries! I.E. all skaters, all athletes, anyone with foot pain and their parents haha. Not trying to be a salesman, since I have never actually sold a pair myself, but, the product works even better than I could have hoped for!
  • Video part you watch over and over:
    As a kid, Video Days, Jerry Hsu's part in Bag of Suck and that whole video, Lakai's Fully Flared, and Foundation's Art Bars. But I think I might have watched PJ Ladd's Wonderful Horrible Life the most. Nowadays I struggle to watch every video, but I do love all the Polar videos and local videos from around the world.
  • Best style:
    Ishod Wair.
  • Movie that recently inspired you:
    I recently saw Wicked, it was really great. I had fun imagining everything being the opposite, as some people do with the Wizard of Oz. I am a fan of the theory that everything bad in life can be observed as good, and vice versa. Also called Taoism or Yin Yang philosophy, I see it all the time in everyday things, always happy to consider the opposite perspective, which I gained from my father. That is why I believe perspective is the most valuable thing in life, you can never experience the opposite but you can listen and try to imagine being in someone else's shoes if you have enough patience. And the movie Wicked made me believe that animals truly are the smartest - if dogs could talk haha.
  • Things you’re into besides skateboarding:
    Art, listening to people, and music.
  • Place you want to go right now:
    Canary Islands to visit my sister Ohara Hale - she is a great artist, musician, writer and sister.
  • If you could do anything without getting arrested:
    Convince the owners of Currency to give it all to the people.
  • Superpower you’d like to have:
    Teleportation: so many spots on other planets, and different levels of gravity haha. I don't think skateboarding is unique to Earth - 4 wheels and a plank has got to make skateboarding universally more common than other so-called sports.
  • Someone you want to thank:
    My father, currently in his late years, but also his prime years of joy and thankfulness. He has had a very difficult life, disabled early and had to put his passions on hold to raise a family. He put his all into me, my sister, and my mom, and made strangers smile. He's a very smart and talented man, thank you Papa!
  • Goals for 2025:
    Get enough time to film an HD part! Furthering my business growth, helping more skaters skate, and enabling more athletes / people struggling with body issues to pursue their goals. All of this to hopefully skate more in between.